Concise Bird Guide
Nicholas Hammond et al
This beautifully illustrated mini field guide is packed with information on the birds of Britain. It covers more than 250 species, which are illustrated with superb full-colour artworks that show - where relevant - variations in plumage, for example for male, female and juvenile birds, and breeding and non-breeding birds. A concise written account covering size, description, voice, habitat, distribution and habits appears on the same page. The easy-to-follow layouts and superb artworks aid quick and accurate identification, and make this book an indispensable reference in the field as well as at home.
It is compact enough to fit in the pocket, yet packed with essential information for the nature enthusiast. It is suitable for wildlife enthusiasts wanting to identify birds in Britain and other parts of northern Europe, for those who want a portable yet authoritative bird books to take on nature walks or to keep in their home or car. 192 pages.
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