How to Be a Better Birder
Derek Lovitch
This unique illustrated handbook provides all the essential tools you need to become a better birder. Here Derek Lovitch offers a more effective way to go about identification--he calls it the "Whole Bird and More" approach--that will enable you to identify more birds, more quickly, more of the time. He demonstrates how to use geography and an understanding of habitats, ecology, and even the weather to enrich your birding experience and help you find something out of the ordinary. Lovitch shows how to track nocturnal migrants using radar, collect data for bird conservation, discover exciting rarities, develop patch lists--and much more.
This is the ideal resource for intermediate and advanced birders. Whether you want to build a bigger list or simply learn more about birds, 'How to Be a Better Birder' will take your birding skills to the next level.
"It is written in a chatty, enthusiastic and accessible style which works well. Lovitch is a great communicator and it is hard not to be enthused by the examples provided of how to generate your own 'great days in the field'. . . . This book provides a fabulous store of information and encouragement which will certainly make your birding more purposeful, productive and enjoyable."
- Andy Stoddart 'North Norfolk Birds'
202 pages.
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