Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Hawks at a Distance: Identification of Migrant Raptors

Hawks at a Distance: Identification of Migrant Raptors

Jerry Liguori

The ultimate must-have guide for identifying migrant raptors, 'Hawks at a Distance' was the first volume to focus on distant raptors as they are truly seen in the field. Jerry Liguori, a leading expert on North American raptors, factors in new information and approaches for identifying twenty-nine species of raptor in various lighting situations and settings. The field guide's nineteen full-colour portraits, 558 colour photos, and 896 black-and-white images portray shapes and plumages for each species from all angles. Useful flight identification criteria are provided and the accompanying text discusses all aspects of in-flight hawk identification, including flight style and behaviour. Concentrating on features that are genuinely observable at a distance, this concise and practical field guide is ideal for any aspiring or experienced hawk enthusiast. 192 pages.

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