Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Photographic Guide to the Birds of Indonesia

Photographic Guide to the Birds of Indonesia

Morten Strange

Newly revised edition of the first, and best, comprehensive photographic guide to the birds of Indonesia. Because of its vast size and geographical location, Indonesia has the world's most diverse avifauna. It boasts of more than 1600 species, of which 235 species are only found in Indonesia, making it the world's number one travel destination for bird-watching.

Covers a total of 912 species, including most of the non-migratory and endemic species that are seen only in Indonesia. A photograph and distribution map is given for each bird. Many new photographs appear in this book for the first time and have been carefully selected to show the important characteristics of each bird. The concise text provide vital information, and an index of common names is provided at the back of the book. 544 pages.

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