Atlantic Puffin
Rare Birds of North America

Rare Birds of North America

Steve NG Howell, Ian Lewington & Will Russell

Featuring Ian Lewington's unsurpassed artistry.

The first comprehensive illustrated guide to the vagrant birds that occur throughout the United States and Canada. Featuring 275 stunning colour plates, it covers 262 species originating from three very different regions - the Old World, the New World tropics, and the world's oceans. It explains the causes of avian vagrancy and breaks down patterns of occurrence by region and season, enabling readers to see where, when, and why each species occurs in North America. Detailed species accounts describe key id features and cutting-edge id tips, taxonomy, age, sex, distribution, and status. Provides unparalleled insights into vagrancy and avian migration, and will enrich the birding experience of anyone interested in finding and observing rare birds.

"Birders thrill to see rarities. This superb book covers 262 rare species, featuring Ian Lewington's unsurpassed artistry in 275 colour plates. Species accounts discuss patterns of vagrancy, identification, seasons, regions, and migration."

 - Library Journal, starred review

"'Rare Birds of North America' is splendid. There is warmth and humo(u)r in the prose, and the colo(u)r plates are stunning and will ensure a strong audience for many years to come. Such a book is long overdue for North American readers."

 - Edward S Brinkley, editor of North American Birds

428 pages.

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