Atlantic Gannet
Birds ID Insights: Identifying the more difficult birds of Britain & north-west Europe

Birds ID Insights: Identifying the more difficult birds of Britain & north-west Europe

Dominic Couzens & Dave Nurney

Previously published by New Holland and sold with a different cover.

Pocket sized! Compares the plumages of similar pairs and groups of species.

The perfect field guide for any birder. Its unique layout, comparing the plumages of similar pairs and groups of species, makes it ideal for getting to grips with the more trick-to-identify birds found in Britain and the rest of Europe. And its handy pocket size is practical for taking out into the field.

It is based on a long-running series of identification features in "Bird Watching" magazine. Author Dominic Couzens and artist David Nurney have spent years compiling the field notes and artworks for this series, and here their efforts are drawn together and made complete in a single volume which is easy to carry in the field and practical for birders to use.

In addition they have expanded the species list from the magazine series and added many more birds, including the likes of Olivaceous, Sardinian and Subalpine Warblers, Crested, Thekla and Short-toed Larks, Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Booted and Short-toed Eagles, Red-rumped Swallow and Crag Martin. In total the book covers more than 300 species, with easy-to-identify-birds such as Magpie and Kingfisher given minimal coverage or excluded so that the more difficult ID issues can be covered as fully as possible. 272 pages.

Plates and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.
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