Atlantic Gannet
Robert Gillmor's Norfolk Bird Sketches

Robert Gillmor's Norfolk Bird Sketches

Robert Gillmor

Artist's sketches are the building blocks for their final work. These drawings give the viewer a real insight into the workings of an artist's mind. This beautifully produced book includes a mixture of sketching styles. Robert has separated them into three groups: the very quick, loose, mono notes to record vigorous action, then more considered drawings of birds that are not particularly active, and watercolour or pencil studies of birds that remain still, either preening or feeding etc. All of these artworks have been painted outside from direct observation from locations along the North Norfolk coast. Robert's house looks out over the first ever Wildlife Trust reserve in the UK, Norfolk Wildlife Trust's Cley Marshes.

With a brief introduction by Robert on why and how he sketches and its importance to him, the book gives way to pages of expert observational drawings.

Robert is renowned for his sense of design (most famously the Avocet for the RSPB logo) even supplying the publisher detailed cut and paste page layouts for this book.

The artworks have been reproduced in the book the same size as originally drawn and painted by Robert.

With a limited print run, this book will appeal to his extensive fan club. Robert is currently one of the UK's most collected artists. 64 pages.

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