Nightingales: A Celebration
Published by British Trust for Ornithology
Features over an hour of recordings of Nightingales in Britain.
The Nightingale has a very special place in British literature and folklore. It is arguably the sweetest and most romantic of Britain's songsters. But it is also a species in serious decline. This recording has been specially compiled by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) to raise funds that will be used in research to help save the Nightingale.
There is a fascinating mix of recordings, old and new, including an introduction by Richard Mabey, the earliest ever bird-recording from 1910 and two tracks where Beatrice Harrison plays the cello and a Nightingale joins in ! Whilst more recent recordings reveal the amazing breadth of the species' repertoire.
The accompanying booklet also gives information to help you find Common Nightingales in the wild.
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Eurasian Woodcock | Scolopax rusticola |
Tawny Owl | Strix aluco |
Common Blackbird | Turdus merula |
Common Nightingale | Luscinia megarhynchos |
Common Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella naevia |
Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus |
Garden Warbler | Sylvia borin |
Lesser Whitethroat | Sylvia curruca |
Rook | Corvus frugilegus |
The species list above is in systematic order, the taxonomy and nomenclature of which generally follows the Wells World Birds list on Birder's Diary v3.0 (courtesy of Thayer Software:, with adaptations by WildSounds.
The Wells World Birds list is based on a classification created by Mic Wells.
Please note that the above list may not be in the same order or be a full and accurate representation of the species on the title concerned. We take due care to ensure the accuracy of the list, but should you find any errors, please notify us.
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