Britain's Mammals: A Field Guide to the Mammals of Britain and Ireland UPDATED EDITION
Dominic Couzens, Andy Swash, Robert Still &Jon Dunn
Updated edition published June 2021.
A comprehensive and beautifully designed photographic field guide to all the mammals recorded in Britain and Ireland in recent times including marine mammals, bats and introduced species. It features 500 stunning photos and incorporates invaluable tips and suggestions to help you track down and identify even the most difficult species.
This easy-to-use book provides an introduction to the different types of mammal, and concise species accounts that include details of habitat, daily and yearly activity rhythms, feeding behaviour, sounds, breeding biology and general habits. It also contains descriptions of key field signs including tracks, scats and nests that give away the presence of mammals even when they are out of sight. In addition, guidance is provided on ways of studying and observing mammals including small-mammal trapping, bat detecting and whale watching as well as mammal conservation and the law and sources of further useful information. Handy and informative, Britain's Mammals is the ideal companion for anyone interested in watching mammals in Britain and Ireland.
Summary of revisions in updated edition:-
"his is a very good book and the best of what is proving to be an excellent series of field guides."
- Mike Toms, British Trust for Ornithology
328 pages.
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