Birding Maine
Tom Seymour
From the seacoast to the mountains, from urban settings to woodlands, Maine's diverse habitats are home to equally diverse bird species. Birding Maine recommends how and when to bird each site and provides information on nearby places of interest, as well as area stores, restaurants, accommodations, and campsites-everything you need to extend a day of birding into a full-fledged adventure. Discover rockbound pemaquid and schoodic points where sea- and shorebirds abound, including king eider and purple sandpiper. Just outside Brewer, wander the Fields Pond Audubon Centre, where nearly 150 species have been seen-from bald eagle to eastern bluebird. Be still and listen for the haunting cry of common loon at Unity Pond, Lily Bay State Park, or Moose Point State Park. Birding Maine is a quintessential resource for anyone interested in spending time in the Maine outdoors. 135 pages.
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