Atlantic Gannet
Collins Bird Guide Edition 2 (Large Format)

Collins Bird Guide Edition 2 (Large Format)

Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterström & Lars Svensson

This large format version of the best-selling guide does full justice to the superb illustrations. Size is 12.4 x 8.75 inches / 317 x 220mm.

"The Collins Bird Guide is undoubtedly the finest field guide that has ever been produced and now deservedly sits in a bird book elite of essential titles - nestling between BWP, HBW and Birds of Europe. The nomenclature and taxonomy may not be to everybody's liking, but it is a certainty that the magnificent work of Mullarney and Zetterström has set the illustrative standard for decades to come and will be admired and enjoyed by thousands of birders world-wide for many years. The word `classic' is so often over-used these days but, for once, it is a particularly fitting way to refer to this book. This is the last great bird book of the 20th Century, and I am sure that Peter Grant would have been happy knowing that. It is a fitting tribute to him, and his co-author and the world class artists. This book is an absolute gem."

 - Mark Golley, Birding World

448 pages.

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(LxWxD) 31.6 x 22.4 x 3 cm Large Format Hardback (Un-revised 2nd edition) £79.99 £69.99

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