Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Britain's Ferns, Clubmosses, Spikemosses, Quillworts and Horsetails

Britain's Ferns, Clubmosses, Spikemosses, Quillworts and Horsetails

James Merryweather

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It is the perfect companion for botanists, naturalists, professional ecologists and anyone else with an interest in this fascinating group of non-flowering vascular plants. Designed to appeal to beginners and experts alike, this authoritative book includes novel identification keys and comparison tables that have been carefully devised to present only essential, easily understood technical terms and descriptions, avoiding jargon as much as possible.

Cross-referenced throughout to facilitate the comparison of similar species, this definitive field guide is the go-to source for identifying these species with confidence. 240 pages.

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