Britain's Butterflies: A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Great Britain & Ireland: Edition 4
David Newland, Robert Still, Andy Swash & David Tomlinson
Britain's Butterflies: Edition 4 is a comprehensive and beautifully designed photographic field guide to the butterflies of Britain and Ireland. Containing hundreds of stunning colour photos, the fourth edition has been extensively revised and updated, and provides the latest information on every species ever recorded.
It covers in detail the identification of all 59 butterfly species that breed regularly, as well as four former breeders, 10 rare migrants and one species of unknown status. The easy-to-use format will enable butterfly watchers - beginners or experts - to identify any species they encounter. Produced in association with Butterfly Conservation, the fourth edition features new introductory sections on the identification of more difficult groups; revised maps that show the latest distributions recorded by the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme; expanded sections on food plants and on recording and monitoring; a new section on climate change; and a revised species order reflecting the latest taxonomy. 256 pages.
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