Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Britain's Habitats: A Field Guide to the Wildlife Habitats of Great Britain and Ireland: Edition 2

Britain's Habitats: A Field Guide to the Wildlife Habitats of Great Britain and Ireland: Edition 2

Sophie Lake, Durwyn Liley, Robert Still & Andy Swash

This lavishly illustrated photographic guide provides a comprehensive overview of the natural history of wildlife habitats in Britain and Ireland. Now completely redesigned in a handy field-guide format, and featuring revised and updated text throughout, this new edition of Britain's Habitats guides readers through all the main habitat types, presenting information on their characteristics, extent, geographical variation, key species, cultural importance, origins and conservation. It aims to help visitors to the countryside recognize the habitats around them, understand how they have evolved and what makes them special, and imagine how they might change in the future. This new edition includes updated maps and additional photographs throughout, and covers a new habitat - gardens. The perfect companion for anyone travelling in Britain and Ireland, Britain's Habitats is essential reading for all wildlife enthusiasts, professional ecologists and landscape architects. 416 pages.

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