Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Hummingbirds: A Celebration of Nature's Jewels

Hummingbirds: A Celebration of Nature's Jewels

Glenn Bartley & Andy Swash

With their dazzling colours, glittering iridescent feathers, fantastic adornments, astonishing powers of flight, and many other unique characteristics, hummingbirds are among the world's most extraordinary birds - true jewels of nature. This beautifully designed book offers a celebration of all aspects of hummingbirds and their world, presenting the latest scientific information in an accessible style and featuring hundreds of the most spectacular photographs of hummingbirds ever taken, all enhanced by wonderful artwork.

A familiar sight across much of the Americas, hummingbirds have long captured the imagination and played an important part in myths, legends, and other aspects of human culture. Today, hummingbirds are some of the most popular of all birds, sought after by serious and casual birders alike. They are birds that inspire questions in anyone lucky enough to see them. How can they fly like that? Why are they so colourful? How many are there? And where and how do they live? This book answers these and many other questions, offering an enlightening and enjoyable guide to hummingbirds that only deepens their wonder.

  • A definitive yet accessible account of all aspects of hummingbird life
  • More than 500 spectacular colour photographs
  • Specially commissioned illustrations
  • Facts and figures on status, population, distribution, and conservation designations of all the world's hummingbirds

288 pages.

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Hardback £30.00 £25.99

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