Avian Architecture: How Birds Design, Engineer, and Build (Revised and Expanded Edition)
Peter Goodfellow Consultant Editor: Tony D Williams
The essential illustrated guide to how birds design and build their nests - now fully revised and expanded.
Birds are the most consistently inventive builders, and their nests set the bar for functional design in nature. Describing how birds design, engineer, and build their nests, Avian Architecture deconstructs all types of nests found around the world using architectural blueprints and detailed descriptions of the construction processes and engineering techniques birds use.
This spectacularly illustrated book features more than 300 full-colour images and more than 40 case studies that profile key species worldwide. Each chapter covers a different type of nest, from tunnel nests and mound nests to floating nests, hanging nests, woven nests, and even multiple-nest avian cities. Other kinds of avian construction - such as bowers and food stores - are also featured.
Now with more case studies and an updated foreword, this revised and expanded edition includes intricate step-by-step sequences, visual spreads on nest-building materials and methods, and insightful commentary by a leading expert.
176 pages.
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