Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Frogs of the World: A Guide to Every Family

Frogs of the World: A Guide to Every Family

Mark O'Shea and Simon Maddock

A richly illustrated guide to the world's frogs that includes species from every family.

With more than 7,600 known species, frogs exhibit an extraordinary range of forms and behaviours, from those that produce toxins so deadly that they could kill a human many times over to those that can survive being frozen in ice.

Frogs of the World is an essential guide to this astonishingly diverse group of animals. An in-depth introduction covers everything from the origins and evolution of frogs to their life cycles and defence strategies. Beautiful illustrations accompany profiles of species from each family, shedding invaluable light on the enormous range of appearance, habitats, and behaviour of these marvellous creatures.

  • Features hundreds of stunning colour photographs
  • Covers taxonomy, anatomy, locomotion, reproduction, diet, and more
  • Discusses the conservation of the world's frogs
  • An invaluable resource for herpetologists, naturalists, and anyone interested in amphibians

240 pages.

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Hardback £25.00 £22.99

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