The Gull Guide: North America
Amar Ayyash
The definitive photographic guide to North American gulls.
Gull identification can be challenging for even the most seasoned birder. While these birds are common to coasts, lakes, and rivers, they exhibit remarkable plumage changes related to age, which is sometimes complicated by similarities between species and a readiness to hybridise. This book provides an invaluable identification guide to all regularly occurring gull species and subspecies throughout North America. It is packed with the very latest research on field identification, updated taxonomy, current distribution trends, colour maps, and helpful notes on natural history, ageing, and molt. The Gull Guide: North America integrates the essential elements that are critical to understanding gulls, setting an entirely new standard for identifying and enjoying these marvellous birds. A must for the bookshelf of every birder and ornithologist
528 pages.
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