Field Guide to the Birds of Thailand
Craig Robson
Thailand continues to attract increasing numbers of birdwatchers on a regular basis who appreciate its vast diversity of bird life. This book has meticulous, original colour artworks and maps for almost 1,000 species which are covered in the book. This unique and indispensable guides also details the identification, voice, breeding, status, habitat and distribution of all the distinctive species and subspecies of the region. This is an indispensable reference for birders visiting the region.
128 colour plates. 1,000 maps. Includes Thai names - very useful in the field.
Thailand is the mecca of birding in Southeast Asia. It's convenient to get to and get around, and its birdlife is wondrously diverse, exotic, and plentiful. With 'Birds of Thailand', Craig Robson and fourteen leading illustrators give us the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and concise field guide to this magnificent country's rich avifaunal heritage in recent years, covering the more than 950 species recorded as of early in the new millennium.
Facing each of the 128 striking, full-colour plates are species accounts accompanied by maps for each, illustrating precise distribution within Thailand. The accurate text covers identification, voice, habitat, behaviour, range, status, and breeding for all species and subspecies. Illustrations and entries on a number of species recorded only quite recently are also included.
The country's varied habitats assure something for every birder, from freshwater marshes to coastal areas, from fields and rice paddies to lush jungles and mangrove forests. In Thailand, one can delight in the brilliantly coloured pittas, broadbills, and sunbirds; the deep, dazzling green of barbets, parrots, parakeets, and leafbirds; the aptly named frogmouths; the roosterlike resplendence of the (male) Red Junglefowl and much, much more. 272 pages.
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