Atlantic Puffin
Photographic Guide to the Birds of Japan & North-east Asia

Photographic Guide to the Birds of Japan & North-east Asia

Tadao Shimba

Despite its rich avifauna and popularity with tourists, Japan has long been lacking a good English-language field guide. This second edition photographic guide will be the first book to cover the Japanese avifauna in English for over 25 years, and the first photoguide to the country in English. It will also include the birds of neighbouring mainland regions of eastern Asia, namely Korea, NE China and eastern Siberia. Over 520 species are illustrated with hundreds of stunning colour photographs. The text succinctly describes the key identification features and each species has a distribution map. Thisguide will be an essential companion for anyone visiting Japan or eastern Asia. 512 pages.

Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.
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Softback £35.00 £29.99

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