Wildlife Guide Malaysia
Helen Oon
This exciting guide aims to inspire and help travellers to plan and enjoy tours in Malaysia's finest wildlife reserves. In addition to offering advice on planning your trip and discussing available options as well as park etiquette, the guide offers an overview of Malaysia's natural environment and wildlife, including an informative gallery of species. Malaysia's 10 best parks or groupings of parks are profiled, which includes an overview of the featured park, a brief history, a description by area of the park, and special features to look out for. The parks all offer breath-taking scenic beauty, game viewing, a range of accommodation and facilities as well as tours and walks or hikes. Each park profile also includes: Panels on matters of special interest; Scenic and wildlife photographs; Detailed maps showing biomes, routes, camps, picnic spots, scenic spots, places to see, etc. Tables showing the range of accommodation, activities and facilities available; What to look out for at which time of year; Game-viewing checklist; Gate opening- and closing- times; Contact details of featured park, for bookings. 160 pages.
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