Grecian Walks
Jean C. Roché
The temples and amphitheatres of Ancient Greece provide a stunning sound stage for some of its natural wonders. The songs of Nightingales, larks and warblers are all accentuated by the acoustics of the ruins, although the powerful Rock Nuthatch needs little amplification! This gentle recording truly evokes the open-air spirit of a land that inspired such calm and contemplation in ages past. 60 min.
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Common Name | Scientific Name |
Spur-winged Lapwing | Vanellus spinosus |
Common Redshank | Tringa totanus |
Common Tern | Sterna hirundo |
Little Owl | Athene noctua |
European Bee-eater | Merops apiaster |
Calandra Lark | Melanocorypha calandra |
Crested Lark | Galerida cristata |
Blue Rock Thrush | Monticola solitarius |
Common Blackbird | Turdus merula |
European Robin | Erithacus rubecula |
Common Nightingale | Luscinia megarhynchos |
Black-eared Wheatear | Oenanthe hispanica |
Cetti's Warbler | Cettia cetti |
Common Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella naevia |
Sedge Warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus |
Great Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus |
Blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla |
Common Whitethroat | Sylvia communis |
Orphean Warbler | Sylvia hortensis |
Sardinian Warbler | Sylvia melanocephala |
Subalpine Warbler | Sylvia cantillans |
Carrion Crow | Corvus corone |
Common Raven | Corvus corax |
Eurasian Golden Oriole | Oriolus oriolus |
Cretzschmar's Bunting | Emberiza caesia |
Cirl Bunting | Emberiza cirlus |
Black-headed Bunting | Emberiza melanocephala |
Chaffinch | Fringilla coelebs |
Common Linnet | Acanthis cannabina |
The species list above is in systematic order, the taxonomy and nomenclature of which generally follows the Wells World Birds list on Birder's Diary v3.0 (courtesy of Thayer Software:, with adaptations by WildSounds.
The Wells World Birds list is based on a classification created by Mic Wells.
Please note that the above list may not be in the same order or be a full and accurate representation of the species on the title concerned. We take due care to ensure the accuracy of the list, but should you find any errors, please notify us.
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