Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Reed and Bush Warblers

Reed and Bush Warblers

Peter Kennerley & David Pearson

Covers the genera Urosphena, Cettia, Bradypterus, Locustella, Acrocephalus and Hippolais. Most are nondescript in appearance and exhibit behavioural traits which make them more difficult to identify in the field. Even when held in the hand, they pose problems. Furthermore, the taxonomy of the forms within each genus has been extensively challenged through the application of mitochondrial DNA sequencing. The intention of this guide is to pull together all the known information which will assist in identifying any individual species.

Bush and Reed Warblers are an extensive sub-set of the Warbler family - this book does not cover the entire group of Warblers. 608 pages.

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(LxW) 24 x 17 cm Hardback £65.00 £45.00

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