Blue Tit by Julian Bhalerao
Patagonia, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands

Patagonia, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands

Imberti et al

Volume 1 of a 5 disk set called "Bird Sounds of Argentina and adjacent areas". This collection of high quality MP3 recordings features 600 sounds of 160 bird species from Patagonia, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands.

Easy-to-use - simply copy the files from the DVD-R onto your MP3 player, or play them through the multi-media player on your personal computer or MP3 enabled CD/DVD-Player. The MP3 files have been conveniently named so that they will appear on most MP3 players in taxonomic sequence.

The product is fully bilingual in English and Spanish. The DVD-R includes detailed species lists (English, Spanish and scientific names), with the associated filenames, in PDF, HTML and text.

Click here for a sample PDF and species list.

The authors are S Imberti; IJ Areta; M Pearman; J Mazar Barnett; G Pugnali; I Roesler; D Monteleone; H Casañas & H Rodríguez Goñi

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