Atlantic Puffin
Birds of Mongolia

Birds of Mongolia

Sundev Gombobaatar & Christopher Leahy

Mongolia is a huge landlocked country in the centre of Asia. It encompasses a diverse range of habitats including forests, vast treeless plains, the Altai Mountains and of course the Gobi Desert, and it is becoming an increasingly popular destination for birders. For dozens of steppe species and many others, Mongolia really is the place to go. This new field guide provides full details of every species to be found in the country. It follows traditional field guide design with plates arranged opposite the text. Detailed maps - a mapping feat never before attempted for Mongolia - accompany the species entries. Birds of Mongolia is an indispensable guide to the country's avifauna; no visiting naturalist can be without it.

Please note that publication of the hardback version of this book has been abandoned. 280 pages.

Plates, Distribution Maps and Short Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Short Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Short Descriptions shown on same spread.
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(LxW) 21.6 x 13.5 cm Softback £30.00 £24.99

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