Atlantic Puffin
Finding Birds in North Goa (DVD)

Finding Birds in North Goa (DVD)

Dave Gosney

Features over 140 species. Shows exactly what it's like to go birding in the most popular birding sites in north Goa - and some that may be less well-known. Features footage of over 140 species, including many of the endemics and specialities such as Malabar Trogon, Indian Pitta, Sri Lankan Frogmouth, Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher, Oriental Scops Owl, Racket-tailed Drongo, Malabar Parakeet, etc. Apart from giving lots of information about the places and their birds this DVD also includes a few moments to make you laugh. 95 min.

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DVD £24.95 £19.95 UK & EU (£16.63 Non EU)

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