Birding with Bill Oddie: A Practical Guide to Birdwatching
Bill Oddie & Stephen Moss
Bill Oddie's practical and fun guide to the joys of British birdwatching. Contains essential tips and advice.
There is a great deal more to birding than simply identifying species and ticking them off a list...The places, the experiences, the feelings, the fun, even the frustrations. Those are the joys. In this enjoyable and accessible practical guide, self-confessed birdwatching fanatic Bill Oddie teams up with experienced nature broadcaster and author Stephen Moss to impart a lifetime of knowledge and handy tips.
Guiding you through your first steps into the world of birding with useful information on equipment, techniques and important insider hints, Bill's warm and friendly advice will help you on your very first birding trip, and his priceless knowledge of what to look out for will aid you as you develop to track the rarest birds and most treasured spectacles. Peppered with humorous anecdotes and musings, and illustrated throughout with useful colour photos and Bill's own sketches and diagrams, Birding with Bill Oddie is the essential birding field guide, clearing the way for you to fully enjoy this most thrilling and fulfilling of pastimes. 224 pages.
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