Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Birdwatching in Europe

Birdwatching in Europe

Paul Doherty

Features amazing and inspiring footage of 255 species filmed in 8 countries in the Western Palearctic region: As with all DVDs of Bird Image there is a full menu so you can go straight to any species, plus 2 soundtracks (so you can have just the natural sounds if you want).


  • Netherlands - February
  • Eilat, Israel - March
  • Extramadura, Spain - April
  • Pyrenees, Spain - April
  • Lesvos, Greece - April
  • Eastern Poland - May
  • Central Finland - June
  • North Norway - June
  • Falsterbo, Sweden - October
  • Northern Israel - October

195 min.

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DVD £14.99 £9.99 UK & EU (£8.33 Non EU)

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