Atlantic Puffin
Field Guide Birds of Peninsular Malaysia & Singapore Edition 2

Field Guide Birds of Peninsular Malaysia & Singapore Edition 2

Allen Jeyarajasingam & Alan Pearson

This second edition is the most comprehensive field guide to the birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, covering all 673 species known to occur in the region. The birds are illustrated in a series of 74 stunning full-colour plates, painted for this book by Alan Pearson, an artist with considerable first-hand experience of the region. The plates illustrate the various plumage variations for each bird, and show the birds perched and also in flight, where relevant to their identification. The text, written and revised by Allen Jeyarajasingam, is accessible to experienced ornithologists and beginners alike, and highlights the important identification features such as plumage variations, size, calls and songs, range, distribution, and status for every species. Introductory sections describe the region and highlight some of the best sites for watching the abundant avifauna.

New to this edition:

  • Includes the latest information on the habits and distribution of the region's bird species.
  • New and revised colour plates reflect recent changes to the classification of some species, and the growing number of species on the official list.
  • Includes a new checklist to enable quick reference and record sightings.

484 pages.

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Softback £69.99 £65.99

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