Blue Tit by Julian Bhalerao
Neotropical Rainforest Mammals

Neotropical Rainforest Mammals

Louise H Emmons

Completely revised and updated second edition.

  • A total of 315 species and genera are covered in individual accounts (includes 24 accounts new to this edition)
  • All species accounts retained from the first edition have been updated
  • All 195 maps present current information on the distribution and geographic range of each species
  • Twenty-nine beautiful colour plates illustrate more than 220 species (including significant colour variants between males and females or adults and young)


Please also see the companion sound guide: Sounds of Neotropical Rainforest Mammals. 307 pages.

Plates and Short Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates and Short Descriptions shown on same spread.
Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.
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