Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Nocturne of Nightingales

Nocturne of Nightingales

Jean C Roché

As a spring day ends and night draws in, the Nightingale is left with the stage to himself. Rich, powerful, beautiful and haunting, here are the songs to warm a cold winter's day. Features both Common and Thrush Nightingale. 66 min.

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Common NameScientific Name
Little GrebeTachybaptus ruficollis
Grey HeronArdea cinerea
Common MoorhenGallinula chloropus
Common Wood PigeonColumba palumbus
Common CuckooCuculus canorus
Eurasian Scops OwlOtus scops
European NightjarCaprimulgus europaeus
Eurasian WryneckJynx torquilla
Common BlackbirdTurdus merula
RedwingTurdus iliacus
Song ThrushTurdus philomelos
European RobinErithacus rubecula
Common NightingaleLuscinia megarhynchos
Cetti's WarblerCettia cetti
Eurasian Reed WarblerAcrocephalus scirpaceus
Willow WarblerPhylloscopus trochilus
Common ChiffchaffPhylloscopus collybita
BlackcapSylvia atricapilla
Garden WarblerSylvia borin
ChaffinchFringilla coelebs

Disclaimer The species list above is in systematic order, the taxonomy and nomenclature of which generally follows the Wells World Birds list on Birder's Diary v3.0 (courtesy of Thayer Software: www.thayerbirding.com), with adaptations by WildSounds.
The Wells World Birds list is based on a classification created by Mic Wells.
Please note that the above list may not be in the same order or be a full and accurate representation of the species on the title concerned. We take due care to ensure the accuracy of the list, but should you find any errors, please notify us.

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