Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
A Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies and Dragonflies of Sri Lanka Edition 2

A Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies and Dragonflies of Sri Lanka Edition 2

Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne

Increasingly the segmentation between birders, butterfly watchers, dragonfly watchers and photographers is reducing as interests overlap and there is a demand for books that cover the three popular groups. The emphasis for the 148 species of butterfly and 78 dragonflies featured in this second edition is on the commoner species, covering around 90 per cent of those that a visitor is likely to see. It is also an excellent book for residents to learn about the commoner butterflies and dragonflies before progressing to more advanced technical books. The guide is focussed on field use to help beginners and experts identify species and provides information on their distribution and habitats. As identification of butterflies and dragonflies require a different approach, the two sections are done as two mini photographic field guides with common introductory sections to wildlife watching in Sri Lanka. The book includes information on the key wildlife sites, general introductions to the biology of dragonflies and butterflies, up-to-date checklists with local status and useful references for people who wish to progress further with their study of these charismatic and photogenic animals.

Written by an expert with extensive local knowledge, this volume features all species that the amateur naturalist might expect to see in the field, with high quality photographs accompanied by detailed species descriptions that include common name, scientific name, size, distribution, habits and habitat. Also included is an all-important checklist of all of the species of the region, encompassing for each one its common and scientific name, and lUCN status. 176 pages.

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