Birds of Borneo: Edition 2
Susan Myers
A comprehensive guide to the varied avifauna of this island biodiversity hotspot, which comprises the tiny state of Brunei, the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak, and the Indonesian state of Kalimantan. More than 630 bird species have been recorded on Borneo and, using the most up-to-date taxonomy and nomenclature, this guide includes all recently split species and also gives full coverage of distinctive Bornean races where they differ from their counterparts on neighbouring islands or in mainland South-east Asia. Borneo is of particular ecological significance; the unique combination of its tropical latitude and the relief of the land, which includes high mountains and rainforests, has created many isolated micro-habitats which have enabled a remarkable number of different species of birds to evolve, many of which are endemic to the island. Every species recorded is described in detail with key identification characteristics and habitat information given, plus a colour distribution map. All species are illustrated, with paintings by the same expert team of artists who worked on the celebrated Birds of South-East Asia; Edition 2 , also in the Helm Field guides series. 336 pages.
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