Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Field Guide to the Bees of Great Britain and Ireland

Field Guide to the Bees of Great Britain and Ireland

Steven J Falk. Illustrated by) Richard Lewington

This is brand new field guide makes this fascinating and important group of insects accessible, for the first time, to the general naturalist. It covers 275 species, and is fully illustrated with stunning photographs and Richard Lewington's beautiful colour artwork.

Bees have long interested and fascinated man, and as a cornerstone in plant pollination they are an indispensable group of insects. Nevertheless, many species are declining, and efforts to help determine distributions and changes in abundance have so far been hampered by a serious lack of identification resources. This eagerly anticipated new entry in the highly acclaimed British Wildlife Field Guides series will lay bare the complexities of identification, and is caters both for people new to the bee world as well as to more experienced recorders who wish to identify every species accurately. It provides the most recent information on the identification, ecology, status and distribution of all 275 bee species in Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands.

As many bees cannot be identified to species level in the field as they require the taking of a specimen for critical examination under a microscope, this is a field guide in the loose sense - it will help you to recognise much of what you see in the field, but also indicate at which point you need to take specimens and put them under a microscope. However, you don't need to collect bees or have a microscope to enjoy the book. 336 pages.

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