Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
A Guide to the Birds of Trinidad & Tobago

A Guide to the Birds of Trinidad & Tobago

Richard ffrench, Illustrated John P O'Neill

Revised edition of this classic field guide to the avifauna of these two Caribbean islands. Trinidad and Tobago are special in that nearly all the families of South American birds are well represented there. They can therefore offer the richness of the South American avifauna in a comparatively small area. This guide covers over 400 species, giving habitat and status, range, subspecies, field description, voice, food, breeding and behaviour. In addition there are sections on the history of ornithology on the islands, the islands' habitats and species distribution. 407 pages.

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(LxWxD) 23 x 15.3 x 2.8 cm Softback £37.99 £35.99

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