Birds of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East: An Annotated Checklist
Dominic Mitchell
This is the most up-to-date checklist of bird species and subspecies recorded in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, including Iran and the Arabian Peninsula - the 'greater' Western Palearctic. Species are presented in systematic order, and each species entry includes scientific and English names, taxonomic notes, distribution and range/vagrancy occurrences within the region. In addition to the main list of almost 1,150 species, appendices detail regionally endemic and extinct birds, those no longer considered to have occurred, and the national lists of all regional countries. The first major update for Europe, North Africa and the Middle East since the Birds of the Western Palearctic series came to an end two decades ago, this long-awaited checklist is essential reading for all those with an interest in the 'WP' and its avifauna.
"[...] a fundamental piece of valuable information that anyone with a passion for this region's avifauna should own."
- Pedro Nicolau, BTO book reviews
335 pages.
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