Atlantic Puffin
A Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka Edition 2

A Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka Edition 2

Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne

A fully comprehensive field guide to the 468 bird species of Sri Lanka. With photos from the author and the region's other top-quality nature photographers, each species is illustrated, including variants where relevant. The guide is focussed on field use to help beginners and experts identify species. The main identifying features of each species are described and key facts cover size, habitat, distribution, voice and status in the country. Distribution maps provide an at-a-glance view of where the birds can be found. The book also includes information on climate and topography, orders and families, residents, migrants, endemics, vagrants and highly scarce migrants, topography and the key birdwatching sites. The checklist provides complete information on the local status of each species. 296 pages.

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