Atlantic Puffin
Field Guide to Pond Wildlife of Britain and Europe

Field Guide to Pond Wildlife of Britain and Europe

Jack Perks

Includes more than 220 species that are found both below the surface and above and are likely to be encountered in Britain.

Our ponds, lakes, rivers and canals are home to a wealth of fascinating wildlife. This beautifully illustrated field guide, which is packed with images by underwater photographer Jack Perks, includes more than 220 species that are found both below the surface and above and are likely to be encountered in Britain and elsewhere in northern and central Europe.

Types of wildlife covered include fishes, reptiles. amphibians, birds, invertebrates and plants. Critters such as dragonflies receive coverage of the flying adult insects and of the underwater larval stage. making the book ideal for both a pond-dipping excursion or a waterside walk in the town or country.

Species are arranged In family order, and where necessary different stages or forms are illustrated. The text gives a concise run-down on ID, habitat. geographical distribution, behaviour and so on. 240 pages.

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Softback with plastic cover £14.99 £14.50

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