Atlantic Puffin
Birds of Cambodia

Birds of Cambodia

Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA)

Sandwiched principally between its better-known neighbours of Thailand, to the north and west, and Vietnam, to the east, the relatively small and comparatively low-lying country of Cambodia is dominated by the vast combined floodplains of the Tonle Sap (or Great Lake) and lower Mekong River. Unsurprisingly then, its principal attraction for birdwatchers is a suite of exceptionally scarce birds associated with wetlands and grasslands. Spearheading the list are the iconic Giant and White-shouldered Ibises, both of which are Critically Endangered, and a trio of almost equally rare vultures, including the iconic Red-headed Vulture. These rarities are the subject of an ongoing international conservation effort. The supporting cast includes Bengal Florican (also Critically Endangered), Sarus Crane (Vulnerable) and Mekong Wagtail (Near Threatened). Despite boasting just two endemic species, Cambodian Laughingthrush and the very recently described Cambodian Tailorbird, the latter's discovery in the environs of the country's capital Phnom Penh perhaps more than anything epitomises the potential to make cutting-edge ornithological findings in this still relatively under-explored nation.

Taxonomy follows the HBW and Birdlife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World SET


  • Detailed texts covering status, habitat and behaviour, age, sex and geographical variation, voice, and confusion species.
  • Over 1300 illustrations covering all species and distinctive subspecies, birds in flight, males and females, juveniles and non-breeding plumages, where appropriate.
  • QR code for each species, linking to the Internet Bird Collection gallery of photos, videos and sounds.
  • Close to 600 full-colour range maps for all species other than vagrants.
  • Well-marked subspecies groups receive full accounts, and the distributions of subspecies breeding in the region are clearly mapped.
  • Local species name included.
  • 629 species; 16 endemics or near-endemics, 2 introduced, 55 vagrants.

The Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA) comprises a group of specialised birdwatchers from across the country, of whom the most active contributors are Sophoan Sanh, Nara Doung, Lean Huth, Chen Sophal, Seab Chea, Kunthea Chhoun and Johnny Orn. All are experienced in bird conservation. They have been trained by visiting researchers from as far afield as Thailand, Taiwan, the USA and Australia, and have been active eBird reviewers for Cambodia as well as maintaining their own bird list for CBGA. c400 pages.

Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.
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