Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Under the Stars: A Journey into Light

Under the Stars: A Journey into Light

Matt Gaw

WILD Sounds & Books will donate 10% to the Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT) for copies sold via their Cley Calling Presents Digital Program. If you want 10% to go to NWT before these events are broadcast, please request this in the Comments section on the shopping basket. You can also make an additional donation to NWT on checkout.

Moonlight, starlight, the ethereal glow of snow in winter ... When you flick off a switch, other forms of light begin to reveal themselves.

Artificial light is everywhere. Not only is it damaging to humans and to wildlife, disrupting our natural rhythms, but it obliterates the subtler lights that have guided us for millennia. In this beautifully written exploration of the power of light, Matt Gaw ventures forth into darkness to find out exactly what we're missing: walking by the light of the moon in Suffolk and under the scattered buckshot of starlight in Scotland; braving the darkest depths of Dartmoor; investigating the glare of 24/7 London and the suburban sprawl of Bury St Edmunds; and, finally, rediscovering a sense of the sublime on the Isle of Coll. 208 pages.

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