Pheasant by Julian Bhalerao
Grasshoppers of Britain and Western Europe

Grasshoppers of Britain and Western Europe

Eric Sardet, Christian Roesti & Yoan Braud

This is the first guide to the 261 species of orthopterans - the grasshoppers, crickets and katydids - of Britain and western Europe ever published. Set out in a clear and accessible format and featuring a combination of photographs and illustrations, the book covers identification criteria of all of the main species and subspecies, with detailed photographs of males and females, distribution maps, status, habitat descriptions, oscillograms, advice on where and when to find them, and tips to avoid confusion during the often tricky process of identification.

Comprehensive general chapters also cover morphology, ecology and habitat, and assist with research in the field.

What makes this work the total package? The book comes with a CD, featuring 222 orthopteran songs. Together, book and CD make this the definitive guide to these insects and a rich resource for any naturalist in the region. 304 pages.

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Softback £35.00 £27.99

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