Ageing & Sexing of Migratory East Asian Passerines
Gabriel Norevik, Magnus Hellström, Dongping Liu & Bo Petersson
This is a richly illustrated photo guide with over 1400 images of hand-held birds. The book's content, both photos and text, originate from the collaboration project carried out by the Swedish and Chinese ringing centres in Beidaihe (Northeast China) during the years of 2011- 2013. As a result, the book is bilingual with English in the left column and Chinese in the right.
As the title indicates, this book presents the ageing and sexing of migratory East Asian species, most of which are also known to occur as vagrants in Western Europe. In a very instructive way, the book connects the moult patterns (how and when the feathers are replaced) with plumage characters that form the basis for assessing a bird's age and sex during both autumn and spring. The text content is followed by a comprehensive photo section where the captions lay out the most important details that guide the reader through the ageing and sexing process. For many of the species treated, completely new and previously unknown data are presented, and for other species previously erroneous statements are corrected.
Each species presentation begins with a number (up to five) of full-body images to reflect the species' plumage variation. A short piece of text summarises breeding and winter distribution as well as the occurrence at Beidaihe, followed by a section dealing with species identification (including separation from similar species).
In addition to the book's main chapter, there are also a number of appendixes where the identification of particularly difficult species groups is discussed in more detail. In the introduction you will find an easy-to-understand overview of the moult in passerines, and how this can be used for ageing and sexing purposes.
The book includes the following species (alphabetic order):
Arctic Warbler, Asian Brown Flycatcher, Black-browed Reed Warbler, Black-faced Bunting, Blue-and-white Flycatcher, Bluethroat, Brambling, Brown Shrike, Buff-bellied Pipit, Chestnut Bunting, Chestnut-eared Bunting, Dark-sided Flycatcher, Daurian Redstart, Dusky Thrush, Dusky Warbler, Eastern Crowned Warbler, Eurasian Siskin, Eyebrowed Thrush, Goldcrest, Grey-backed Thrush, Grey-sided Thrush, Japanese Reed Bunting, Japanese Tit, Lanceolated Warbler, Little Bunting, Manchurian Reed Warbler, Marsh Tit, Meadow Bunting, Mugimaki Flycatcher, Naumann's Thrush, Olive-backed Pipit, Oriental Reed Warbler, Pale Thrush, Pale-legged Leaf Warbler, Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler, Pallas's Leaf Warbler, Pallas's Reed Bunting, Pechora Pipit, Pine Bunting, Radde's Warbler, Red-flanked Bluetail, Red-throated Pipit, Richard's Pipit, Rufous-tailed Robin, Rustic Bunting, Siberian Accentor, Siberian Blue Robin, Siberian Rubythroat, Siberian Thrush, Stejneger's Stonechat, Taiga Flycatcher, Thick-billed Warbler, Tristram's Bunting, Two-barred Warbler, White's Thrush, White-throated Rock Thrush, Yellow-bellied Tit, Yellow-breasted Bunting, Yellow-browed Bunting, Yellow-browed Warbler, Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Yellow-throated Bunting. 424 pages.
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