My Birding Life
Moss Taylor
Moss Taylor has been watching birds and keeping records of his sightings since 1953, as well as ringing and photographing birds for over 50 years.
Although only a hobby, birding has really taken over his life, especially during the last 25 years since he retired from general practice. He has written over 850 published articles and newspaper columns on the natural world and a selection of these are included in this book.
Over the years he has travelled extensively abroad in pursuit of birds and as a lecturer on cruise ships. Since 1969 he has lived in Norfolk, his adopted county, and much of the action in this book takes place there. All aspects of his birding life are covered in the book.
All profits from the sale of this book will be going to the charity Love for Leo, set up by the author and his partner Robina Churchyard, which helps to finance equipment and treatment that is not available under the NHS, for Norfolk and Suffolk children with Cerebral Palsy. 179 pages.
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