The Badger Book
Jo Byrne
We have a limited number of signed copies while stocks last
The Badger Book takes its place as part of Graffeg's compact, accessible Nature Book series, exploring our relationship with some of Britain's best-loved wild creatures.
This addition introduces the wonderfully mysterious and enigmatic Meles meles to the newly curious with fresh information in store for those with a long-standing interest.
An inhabitant of these lands for thousands of years, Badgers have been both revered and reviled, cherished and tormented, beloved and brutalised - The Badger Book takes a closer look at Britain's largest carnivorous mammal.
Alongside magical photography, we examine the science and politics around bTB and the controversial badger cull as well as introducing a passionate group of ordinary people dedicated to rescuing them, followed by a meander through the myth, legend, art and literature which has incorporated them into our culture.
Chapters include:
Badger Physiology
Badger Watching
Badger Threats
The Cull
The Badger Protectors: Wounded Badger Patrol Cheshire
Badgers in Myth & Legend
Badgers in Art & Literature 160 pages.
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