Atlantic Puffin
A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines

A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines

Kennedy, Gonzales, Dickinson et al

  • The first comprehensive modern guide to the birds of the Philippines
  • Unique plate captions include coloured distribution maps and summarise field identification characteristics

This is an authoritative guide to all 556 species and many sub-species of the Philippine Islands. The 72 spectacular colour plates and their captions are accompanied by in-depth species accounts that describe the latest available information on plumage, voice, range, distribution, status, habitat, life history and behaviour. 320 pages.

Plates, Distribution Maps and Short Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Short Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Short Descriptions shown on same spread.
Long Descriptions
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(LxWxD) 23.4 x 15.6 x 2.7 cm Softback £62.00 £58.00

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