Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Meetings with Moths: Discovering their Mystery and Extraordinary Lives

Meetings with Moths: Discovering their Mystery and Extraordinary Lives

Katty Baird

Why do butterflies bask in the limelight as mood-lifting colourful insects associated with bright flowers and sunny days, when the near-identical moths are relegated to be cast as their drab and dowdy, at best ignored, cousins?

Moths are some of the most stunning and diverse insects on our planet. They come in a glorious array of colours, shapes and designs, enough to be admired for their looks and lifestyles alone.

Ecologist Katty Baird roams East Lothian, Scotland, trapping, documenting and observing moths. Burnet Moths, Kentish Glories, Death's Head Hawk-Moths are just some of the moths that catch her attention as she climbs into holes, ventures behind waterfalls and wanders forests.

Meetings with Moths is a story about green health and the power of a passion to sustain us. 240 pages.

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