Atlantic Gannet
The North Shore: a stunning gothic debut

The North Shore: a stunning gothic debut

Ben Tufnell

You don't pass through the North Shore on the way to anywhere else: it is the end of the road. The village was like many along that wild coast; inhabited by those who had always lived there, and always would.

The residents know nature's tempestuous ways. They batten down the hatches when the storms rip through, and they clear the debris together in the aftermath.

But the morning after one particularly ferocious storm, something is washed up on the beach that has never appeared before. Something that opens the question of what nature, and the North Shore, are truly capable of.

The North Shore is both a powerful story of transformation and a coming-of-age tale. It speaks of the mysteries that lie between the land and the water and the ways in which we use myths and folklore to understand the strangeness of the world. 208 pages.

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