Blue Tit by Julian Bhalerao
Around the World in 50 Plants 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

Around the World in 50 Plants 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

Lucille Clerc

Take a trip across the globe with this 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle featuring 50 of the most stunning plants known to humans. Lucille Clerc's sumptuous illustrations provide the perfect puzzle challenge, while Jonathan Drori reveals how their worlds are intricately entwined with our own history, culture and folklore on the accompanying poster. From the seemingly familiar tomato and dandelion to the eerie mandrake and Spanish 'moss' of Louisiana, each of these stories is full of surprises. Some have a troubling past, while others have ignited human creativity or enabled whole civilisations to flourish. This is a botanical journey of beauty and brilliance. Finished puzzle 48.5 x 68 cm (19 x 27 in.). 1000 pieces.

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