Blue Tit by Julian Bhalerao
Bigger Than This: The Ultimate Science Card Game

Bigger Than This: The Ultimate Science Card Game

Balthazar Pagani et al

Available from 28 November 2024. Grab your gloves and your lab coat and prepare to explore chemistry, zoology, botany and astronomy in this ultimate science showdown. Did you know that Planet Earth is bigger than Mars? Or that you brushed your teeth with a chemical element this morning? Can you name a plant that eats insects? How about an animal that is louder than a jet engine? In Bigger Than This, the four suits have been replaced by four different fields of science - chemistry, zoology, botany and astronomy. Collect cards by asking your opponents for cards that are either bigger than or smaller than one of the science elements in your hand. If your opponent can't satisfy your request, you'll win the round. Keep an eye out for the eight wildcards that will cause a malfunction in the lab - they really throw a spanner in the works!

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Boxed Game £16.99 £14.99 UK & EU (£12.49 Non EU)

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